
布朗斯维尔: BINAB 1.105
ESTAC 2.101

电子邮件: careercenter@98cfw.com

电话: 布朗斯维尔(956)882-5627
电话: 爱丁堡(956)665-2243


如果你不确定自己想从事什么职业, 你会发现职业探索特别有用. 花点时间反思你的价值观, 利益, 个性, and skills—as well as factors that may be influencing your choices—can help you make informed decisions about your future.

探索 common career paths for different majors by accessing our career exploration online tools, 与职业教育团队预约一次职业咨询.

Whether you’re exploring majors or searching for information about your chosen field, 我可以用这个专业做什么?, is a website featuring 100 major profiles with information on common career paths, 在该领域雇佣的雇主类型, 以及最大化机会的策略.

MyMajors是所有赌博平台学生都可以使用的评估工具. 它评估你的学术成就, 利益, 和个性来推荐赌博平台提供的专业.

ONET may serve as a guide, based on your 利益, to match you to career paths. 你也可以浏览他们对你所选职业的详细描述.


几乎任何事情! 你的专业并不一定要定义你的职业道路. 任何专业都能胜任大多数工作, and 校友 from many different backgrounds go on to work in a wide range of fields.

作为起点, 把重点放在你已经获得的可转移技能上, 你所参与的经历, 以及你在课程中喜欢的东西. Ask yourself how you want to use the skills and knowledge gained from your major in your future career.

选择适合自己的专业或职业有很多不同的方法. We recommend following these career decision-making steps to help guide your major and career exploration.

反映: 反思你的价值观是有帮助的, 利益, 个性, 和技能(vip),并考虑如何应用它们. 例如, 如果你重视帮助社会,并且对数学和数据感兴趣, 你可能喜欢在非营利机构做分析师! Understanding the intersection of your VIPS can help you consider the endless combinations of potential majors or jobs. 考虑使用 MyMajors 来帮助你自己探索你的vip.

探索: 探索: The TCE Career Education team can help you generate ideas for majors and careers, 并向您展示帮助您自己探索选项的资源. 你也可以在下面找到自我指导的资源和视频 在线职业资源.

经验: 实习 can provide important professional experience while helping determine what types of majors or careers will be a good fit. 更多信息请访问 得到的经验 页面.

行为: 行动意味着做决定. 记住,这些决定可能很小, 比如加入一个相关的学生组织, 或者参加一个探索性的课程. 记住,这是一个过程,需要时间.

First, take a deep breath; it’s going to be okay! 在你不了解专业之前,很难选择专业.

If you’re a freshman or sophomore, you have the option of changing your major. Talk to the Career Education team as soon as you think you might want to switch. 您还可以:

  • 探索 your options to see what else is out there by looking up degree plans, 教学大纲, 以及不同专业的课程描述
  • 参加宣讲会
  • 参加相关的学生组织
  • Volunteer to get an idea of what these majors and careers are like before switching directions

如果你是大三或大四的学生, 换专业的机会已经过去了, 但你还有很多选择. 许多人从事与专业无关的职业. 与职业教育团队交谈,探索新的方向. 您还可以:

  • Get involved as much as you can in your intended career field to test it out
  • 参加学生组织, 志愿者, 实习生, 参与研究, 尝试其他专业的课程, or add a minor or certificate in a field more closely related to your 利益

The conversations you have with the Career Education team can often lead to specific questions that are best answered by an academic advisor, 反之亦然. Most students would benefit from scheduling an appointment with both the Career Education team at the Career Center and an academic advisor in the 学术顾问. Academic advisors meet with all undergraduate students 实习生ally transferring to other majors to discuss their degree plan, 课程安排, 以及转专业的要求.

The Career Center and 学术顾问 office work closely to help students decide if changing majors is the right option for them, 并介绍一下如何转到不同专业的过程.


  • Understand what kind of majors might align with your values, 利益, 个性, and skills
  • Discuss how these different paths might affect your short and long-term career goals beyond academics
  • Brainstorm content for your 实习生al transfer process application documents


  • Understand how to change your major and how that might affect your academic career at 赌博平台
  • 探索 your 利益, your strengths, and related academic paths at 赌博平台
  • Explain the process of how to declare a major and what courses may be needed for 实习生al transfer applications
想办法融入这个领域. You can do this even if you do not have the “right” major for that career (except for very technical or direct careers like engineering, 护理, 或者可能需要某些课程或证书的教学). 参加学生组织, 志愿者, 实习生, and highlight the transferable skills that you have developed to pivot into a different industry.
While no assessments are sophisticated enough to tell you exactly what you should do, some students find that assessments can help broaden their knowledge of themselves and their career options. Keep in mind that most assessments show only a small piece of your identity and 利益. 评估不能取代做决定时的思考. 你的未来掌握在你自己手中! 然而, we do offer a variety of assessments that can help you learn more about yourself and empower you to make a more informed career decision. 安排一次职业咨询预约 与职业教育团队一起了解更多,并开始这个过程.



  • “我感到迷茫,不知道我的生活想要做什么.”
  • “我对找工作感到焦虑.”
  • “我不知道该主修什么.”
  • “我很难选择一个职业. 我想做的事太多了!”
  • “I know what I want to major in, but I have no idea what I want to do once I graduate.”
  • “我知道我想做什么,但我不确定最好的专业是什么.”
  • “我想成为____,但我担心我做不到.”
  • “我想知道用我的专业我能找到什么样的工作.”
  • “I don’t feel like I know enough about all the different careers out there to know what I want to do.”
  • “我不喜欢任何一门课,也没有一个专业真正吸引我.”
  • “我进不了______. 我现在该怎么办?”
  • “I thought I wanted to be a _______, but I got into my major and I really don’t like it!”
  • “我真的很喜欢我的专业,但我不想把它作为我的职业.”
  • “我怕做我喜欢的事赚不到足够的钱.”
  • “My family really wants me to be a _______, but I’m not sure if that’s really what I want.”
  • “I want to find a career that will allow me to provide significant financial support for my family.”
  • “I’m afraid I won’t be able to find a job, so maybe I’ll just go to graduate school.”

All of these concerns and more can be addressed in a career exploration appointment.